Monday, August 15, 2011

Just another working day

Well it's just another Monday, a day of waking up early and getting ready for the 8-5 job, taking the kiddo to pre-school and making sure the older one wakes up so he can walk to gramma's house.  I know I am just yapping to myself as I type this, but its ok.. sometimes I just need something to keep myself from going totally insane. 
We have been working hard on getting the kitchen redone, well the hubbs has been working his butt off. I try but some days are way better then others.  Today I seem to have a bit more energy then I did yesterday and the day before so thats a bonus.  I can maybe go home and get some drawers built and installed... maybe..
I am suppose to have a honey pot cake baked for a little one by the end of the week... but with out a kitchen that is starting to look impossible.. I will need to borrow a kitchen!  yikes! I think I can find a way to manage though ...

Carrot cake.. I have a few that I like but I think I will go for the fav.. I will post on that as soon as I get it made!

Until then... C-ya

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kitchen update

So we have been working at this kitchen for a week, the hubbs had one accident (table saw vs left thumb) at least he still has the thumb, we've got the cabinets built and the range hood installed. I have to finish with the insides of the cabinets like the drawers and shelves, I'm excited, we picked out the countertop and have an idea of what I want to do with the backsplash... Yay!

Friday, August 5, 2011

kitchen redo's and chaos..

So we have been working on our kitchen and trying to get everything right... not a easy task let me tell you!
We had been looking at cabinets for a while but thought the job was not something we would be able to do for a long time, but alas... there was a nasty leak in the kitchen and there you go.. new kitchen...

So first it was flooring.. what were we going to do?  well we decided to go with something natural and nice, marmoliun it is we found ours at Fremont Tile and flooring.  here is where we got ours here.

Then cabinets... what to get.. well Ikea of course, its something we can do ourselves.. right??  or so we hope.

Oh Paint.. yeah... well thats a different story... I wanted something that pop'd and well I think I got that!  LOL... I will tell you that later.

Here are a few pics of the process..

Now... we need to get the floors done and wait for ikea to deliver the cabinets!

Netxt week.. its go time!
